The Central Statistics Agency of Karawang Regency held a 3-day Distance Learning Sakernas Officer Training activity (PJJ - Distance Learning) on January 17, 20, 21, 2025 and 1 face-to-face on January 22, 2025. This officer training was opened by the Head of BPS Karawang Regency, Robert Ronytua Pardosi. The officers who participated in the training were 10 people consisting of 7 Field Enumerators (PCL) from BPS partners and 3 Field Supervisors (PML) from BPS organic.
This training aims to provide an understanding of the importance of Sakernas for BPS. Provide provisions to be able to understand the concept of definition, procedures for filling out questionnaires, question flow, document checks, and the entire SOP for the implementation of the February 2025 Sakernas field. And also provide provisions for Prospective Officers to understand the classification in KBLI and KBJI. Provide an understanding of the indicators produced by Sakernas.
General Objectives:
Provide continuous basic employment data.
Specific objectives:
The February 2025 Sakernas aims to obtain estimated data on the number of working population with various job characteristics, the number of unemployed with various socio-demographic characteristics, and other employment indicators based on the 13th ICLS employment concept, as well as its representative developments at the national and provincial levels.
Obtaining employment indicators based on the 19th, 20th, and 21st ICLS employment concepts, such as working population, unemployment, underutilized labor, employment status following ICSE-18, workers/businesses in formal activities, and other employment indicators
The Sakernas activity in 2025 will be carried out four times a year (quarterly) throughout Indonesia (38 provinces and 514 districts/cities). Using the CAPI data collection mode. The questionnaire format used for the implementation in February and August uses the Long Form, while May and November uses the Short Form.