Number of domestic flight passengers departing from Jawa Barat in February 2021 was 13,281 people, down 12.49 percent (m-to-m) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karawang Regency

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Number of domestic flight passengers departing from Jawa Barat in February 2021 was 13,281 people, down 12.49 percent (m-to-m)

Number of domestic flight passengers departing from Jawa Barat in February 2021 was 13,281 people, down 12.49 percent (m-to-m)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 25, 2021
File Size : 1.34 MB


Number of domestic commercial air transport passenger departures in Jawa Barat in February 2021 was 13,281 people, down 12.49 percent compared to January 2021, which was recorded at 15,176 people. The amount of cargo through Jawa Barat domestic flights including goods, baggage and post / package in February 2021 reached 381.43 tons or an increase of 103.37 percent compared to January 2021.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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