Economy of Jawa Barat Quarter IV-2021 2.76 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Karawang Regency

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Economy of Jawa Barat Quarter IV-2021 2.76 Percent

Economy of Jawa Barat Quarter IV-2021 2.76 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 7, 2022
File Size : 3.87 MB


  • Economy of Jawa Barat based on the amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) based on current prices in the fourth quarter of 2021 reached 572.3 trillion rupiah and based on constant 2010 prices reached 387.9 trillion rupiah.
  • West Java's economy in the fourth quarter of 2021 compared to the previous quarter grew by 2.76 percent (q-to-q). In terms of production, the Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision Business Field experienced the highest growth of 24.36 per cent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the Government Consumption Expenditure Component experienced the highest growth of 48.21 percent.

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